Are you getting an online Coronavirus?


It’s been four months since we got hit by COVID-19 in NY. I see two kinds of people – The people who are taking it very seriously, and people who are laid back. The former is the kind who is upset at the latter. I got yelled at by my highschool friend in Japan when I said people were overreacting, so I guess I’m probably more latter group.

As a healer, healthcare professional, and as your friend, sister, or mother, I just want you to be happy and healthy. One thing I’m sure of is that the media wasn’t helping our situation. They are supposed to give us helpful information, but instead, they are fueling us with fear and negative emotions.

People can’t make good judgment when they are emotionally charged. I believe healing begins with our minds. For us to have good immunity, we shouldn’t be stressed out. I think many people got online Coronavirus. Online Coronavirus is the fear of getting Coronavirus. And the more you resist, the more you get tension in your body. Whether you are careful or not, you can still get it. It is better to accept the fact that you may get it.

I’m not saying COVID is hype or laughing matter. Many people got sick or died with this virus. I’m following everything I’m supposed to do – social distancing, wearing masks wherever I go, hand washing. Besides, I cannot run my business without being compliant with the law. I’m talking about mindset.

Instead of worrying about it, it’s better to educate yourself well and make a plan for the time when you get it. Then, let go of your fear. That is your choice. You will feel peace in your mind. I actually enjoyed this four months staying home. I was able to spend more time with my family, cook more meals, clean the house, and did what I put aside for a long time. My office was completely shut down, and massage therapy wasn’t even included in phase until NYS finally put us in phase three. I had no idea when I can go back to work.

Some of my clients work in hospitals and nursing homes, and they worked hard during this difficult time, and I’m so thankful. And all other people who kept working without stopping, thank you so much so I can be safe and enjoyed three months at home with my family! You are my heroes.

I’m so happy to back to work, see my clients, and release their three months of accumulated tension! Everybody was pretty tight. Now it’s my turn to help you!