When your pain gets out of hand, try trigger point therapy.


Today, I want to share some tips for relieving muscle pain and tension. I believe the most crucial aspect of healing is educating yourself about your issues. Even if you have a good therapist, it’s your body, and you should be in charge of it. Muscle issues are relatively easy to handle. The pain caused by muscle tension can be quickly relieved by applying trigger point therapy, and you don’t need to use painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication.

Treating muscles can be tricky because they can refer pain to other parts of your body. This means that the area where you feel pain may not be the source of the pain. For example, when you have a headache, it could be due to referral pain from your neck muscles.

When trigger points are present, the muscles in the surrounding area become dense, and you can find a nodule when you pinch or compress the area. That nodule is the trigger point. You can tell if you’re compressing the trigger point because it usually hurts when you do. However, the pain starts to decrease as you continue to apply pressure for 10-30 seconds. You can use tools like a tennis ball to compress the trigger point so your fingers don’t get tired. Repeat this 3-5 times per day until your pain subsides.

As I mentioned earlier, finding the trigger point can be tricky because trigger points can refer pain quite a distance from their location. There are two choices: one. You can get a book about trigger points to find which trigger points are causing the pain and work on them yourself, or two: you can find skilled massage therapists who are trained and knowledgeable. They can find and work on your trigger points, and you can continue to work on them after the session.