When your pain gets out of your hand – try Trigger Point Therapy

I want to share some tips for releasing muscle pain and tension. The most important thing for healing is to educate you about your issues. It’s your body, and you must be in charge of your health. Muscle issues are easy to handle. The pain can be released using trigger point therapy; you don’t need […]
Do you take insurance?
One of the most frequent questions we receive when people call us to book appointments is whether their insurance will cover our services. While some massage therapists hope that more insurance companies will start offering coverage for these services, I personally do not want insurance companies involved in my business. In my experience as a […]
When your pain gets out of hand, try trigger point therapy.

Today, I want to share some tips for relieving muscle pain and tension. I believe the most crucial aspect of healing is educating yourself about your issues. Even if you have a good therapist, it’s your body, and you should be in charge of it. Muscle issues are relatively easy to handle. The pain caused […]
What is the most essential thing in healing?

After going through many clients, I got to know people’s biggest problems with muscle pain. Most people have neck, shoulder, or back issues and want pain relief. I always tell them, “It’s not like somebody came to your bed in the middle of the night and beat you up.” Then they laugh. So at least […]
I’m back!

It’s been a whole two years since I wrote my last blog! I’m so overdue and planning to be more consistent. To begin, I want to share my recent experience with Covid. At the end of October, I had the honor to get my first covid. It started with cold symptoms – sore throat, headache, […]
The fall is here!

This picture was taken a few years ago. Besides the fact that I look a little younger, I’m so amazed to see the beautiful nature. And this is where I live! I’m so lucky to be here, and I’m so lucky to be alive!
Are you getting an online Coronavirus?

It’s been four months since we got hit by COVID-19 in NY. I see two kinds of people – The people who are taking it very seriously, and people who are laid back. The former is the kind who is upset at the latter. I got yelled at by my highschool friend in Japan when […]
Frozen Shoulder Remedy Part 3 – Easy Self massage

Frozen Shoulder Remedy Part 2

Frozen Shoulder Remedy – Part 1

There are different muscles that may be causing your shoulder. But when your shoulder gets to the point where you can’t move your shoulder, experiencing catching pain with certain movements, having a problem with sleeping, it’s time to get serious.